Wednesday, January 22, 2025

German traveller s diary 23rd January

 A new day in the tropics

No, I don't remember the dream I had last night. The night and dream had ended with the sounding of the drums and the sung morning prayer of the nearby monks, my consciousness woke up and persevered a little bit between the "door and angel" in the twilight state, to then give the impulse with a ruck: Get up! I quietly moved under and out of my protective canopy, pulled over a T-shirt (salmon red) and went just quietly into the kitchen to put on coffee water. After that I ate two bananas of the small and aromatic variety that grows everywhere here. I also turned on the router that is standing in the kitchen - at night it would only disturb our dreams with its radiation... With my milk coffee, I then went back to my bedroom and drove my laptop up. One report said the US Constitution would have been removed from the website of the new US President, whose name is now back on Terra Titanic - if this is not a sign of where the trip should go! This message was therefore worthy of me to spread further on my page. A glance at my email that I learned from a friend: 153 stevia seeds are on their way here as a base for future stevia plantings in Ceylon! Lakshman should be pleased, who had put in perspective a conversation with the island's agriculture minister on this Stevia matter. Whether we actually get a foot between the "door and angel" here probably depends more on the alignment of fate than on my efforts - everything is possible here, if it doesn't even step into place. Also a trip to the land which belongs to Lakshman's wife and which may be suitable for the Garden Cemetery project has he got for these days (today? ) announced. Yesterday I saw a free peacock crossing the road and then disappearing into nature, which made me very happy - I like peacocks very much, they are a kind of bird of paradise for me, although they are not considered to be the actual birds of paradise. At least I am not officially a part of this family and secretly I do. If I were a rich aristocrat with a beautiful landscape park - I like the English version of it -, this is how proud peacocks would cross through this and at will (awesomeness in the peacock kingdom? ) hit her bike and, if the "lady" is particularly sexy, put the bike into an excited vibration! In this I see a picture of the lust for life and not hedonism, since this is a natural matter and we should become as natural as possible. Or are there any objections from the back seats? If you've ever stood on the stage, you know that you can only see the front row, when the second one comes up, the rest of the audience room is around dark - which is good! You can't be afraid of the audience and you have to be as convinced of yourself as a reality star a la Donald Trump or better yet like an aging rock singer a la Mick Jagger, whom no one can steal the show - not even when you're over eighty, incredible! Will I last that long? Probably it's a matter of motivation and self-discipline to remain as an offer - the market decides the rest! So, do your thing and don't get misled - the world is full of discouraged haters trying to talk you out of your thing! When we do our thing together, all the better! For today, I still planned for the elephant documentary, that is, the war between humans and elephants, which demands hundreds of deaths on both sides every year, to prepare an English text, which should then come partly out of the box. For some of the footage, we'll drive to the elephant orphanage 40km away, where the animal orphans of the Elephant War live. Another part of the footgaes we will get from local news channels and the like, a cousin of Lakshman who is a teacher by profession is to work on the documentary project and editing - let's see how the project progresses. None of these projects are run by me for commercial reasons, it's always about me, not about any fame, which usually becomes annoying after a while...

In that sense, a new day, a new opportunity is here and wants to be lived by all of us. By the way, Mr. Trump's days are numbered and maybe he won't even make it to the four years he has left as the most powerful man of Terra Titanic.

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