The days start early in the tropics
At the sound of the drums and the subsequent chants of the monks, my previously dormant consciousness immediately switches on, or let's say it's halfway there, in an intermediate consciousness, which I find particularly intense, my self in this state between day and dream feels very beautiful. When awake, the mind is too dominant the activity of the neo-cortex, which then overpowers everything. Yesterday I had a good talk with Yasanna about meditation, which I understand lowering and pushing the thought process back on (as much as possible! ) Zero! She would like to go to Nilambe, where a meditation teacher introduces still inexperienced people from the industrialized west, if so today, into the art of meditation. He offers all kinds of variations that I can't even count them all. It starts from mindfulness meditation to kindness meditation. In my eyes, or let's say in my opinion, it's western civilization damaged coming here for repair, people like me do it themselves, others need a teacher or therapist for it. I don't know the motivation of the meditation teacher, it may be honorable, he is supposed to be doing this work for over 20 years and according to the laws of the market of supply and demand, he serves a demand that comes from the West - locals do not go to this meditation center. I compare the meditation teacher to an elementary school teacher who teaches children the basics of reading and writing, all of which has its right to exist - or is it just an economic niche the meditation teacher has found? Probably the truth, like so often, lies somewhere in between, and I said Yasanna, I would hold it more with Krishnamurti, who asked, "What do you need teachers and gurus for?" You must be your own teachers and gurus! " I don't like the esoteric market, although it certainly has its right to exist to a certain extent, but it remains a market and a lot of money will be used on this - which always attracts charlatans, who can also have "successes" due to the Placebo effect! Ultimately, the healed doesn't care how he came or arrives to his healing - only this healing needed requires sincere seriousness without second thought and selfish goals from the healer, which I count on every doctor to. A good doctor is someone who understands how to positively support and stimulate the body's self-healing processes - psychologically too! Since Yasanna knows the basic meditation, which I would like to call pure submerging meditation, she agreed with me that in principle it only depends on this and everything else that the human mind thinks about mindfulness-kindness-etc. Meditation variants figured out, only other places on the meditation menu for Westlers! As I said, they can and should be entitled to, but they are commercial and are primarily used to make money - which is justified to a certain extent, as humans have to eat. In the West, however, when hundreds of euros are charged for a two-or-three-day seminar for meditation and mindfulness, the balance is completely off and the local meditation teacher appears again in a modest light, as he works only on a donation basis - with accommodation in the dormitory and simple meals in this offer. are contained. But his efforts and expenses will also be richly rewarded in the end, as Westerners are engaged in this relationship (and one has been created during the retreat!) ) as a rule, do not let it lump and show this pecuniary out of an emotional overflow of gratitude. I have experienced situations in my life where the helper with a sincere gesture and somehow embarrassedly touched (because I wanted to give him money for his sincere help) showed this unmistakably. Everything with us depends on performance and counter performance, basta! Those who stop thinking and acting like that make themselves suspicious, may be mentally ill in the eyes of others. If he is rich, one will know how to take advantage of his open willingness to help quickly and perhaps put him in the position of a future beggar monk. All these thoughts were running through my head during the awakening process, then Lio appeared, who was the first wide awake and climbed out of the other bedroom window onto the balcony running all around and now stood noisely in front of my window. "Lio, get in! " I told him, but he wouldn't. I don't understand what he wanted, his articulation often leaves something to be desired. Even his mom still wanted to sleep, only he wanted everyone to get up now and let the day begin. I got up a little later and had to realize that there was no water in the bathroom, so the morning cold shower had to be cancelled. So for my morning coffee I took the water from a standby 5 litre drinking water bottle which we have to buy for Rs 400 daily - tap water is only enjoyable when boiled! Then as I sat happily with my coffee in my bedroom, I hear the two boys arguing, I wrote before: They're like Ying & Yang, antipodes. Also, there is a lot of jealousy between them, who gets more affection and I have to admit, I am often on the side of the little one, with whom a special event connects me, which makes him closest to my heart! We humans are rarely just, even if we make this our goal. I also speak for myself and work on myself - but we will always remain imperfect people. But people who live unreflected are not my cup of tea and I can't help them either because they don't want help. Only through self-reflection can a positive development begin...
Now Lio poops at my door crying and seeks shelter with me, to which I immediately open my door and comfort him. "I have got the chills!" ", he complains to me about which I read the Levites with Lio on the arm of Aramis and calls him to collect all the Q-tips that he scattered on the ground - for which he immediately declares himself ready without objections. Lio calms down and I can put him back on the floor, go back to my room to this text, which is now also simply declared completed by me and released to post. I hope to have "served" one or the other with this in some way and do so selflessly, don't want any "payment" for it. I also like to give some of my mental food to the "Nassauers"... - they need these the most!
Warmest and have a nice day in cold Germany
and where else desirable
yours frankly
Frank and the reconciled family by now
Postscript: Breakfast is now over, the kids love papaya with lemon juice, Aramis is now with the papaya seeds. The main course was "poor knight" with palm "honey" which the kids love in this combination. Now they are satiated and satisfied - maybe even happy. I sure am and Yasanna too as she just told me since she recognized where her problem was before. So knowledge can make you happy and I still wish you a lot of self- and world knowledge!