Wednesday, June 12, 2019

translation and serialization of my book

I wrote a book of my times in the navy in 2017 ,4 years after I retired from the navy after 33 years of service. ‘සතුරා මුහුදේදී මුලාකිරිම සහ තවත් නාවික කතා’ is the name of the book. Recently having seen an extract from the book in my blog , a friend of mine from Australia  asked me whether I have English translation of this writing somewhere so that he too can read it.
This inquiry prompted  me to do this, to  translate the book to English and serialize it in my blog. In fact my daughter kindly agreed to translate it and I only proof read it. So the name of the English version will be ‘Deception of enemy at sea and other naval stories’

I worked as a officer in Sri Lanka navy for 33 years. That is from 1980 January to 2013 January. And during that time held ranks from a  one stripe sub lieutenant to two stars rear admiral.  When I retired, I was the commander of the eastern Naval Command headquartered in Trincomalee, largest naval command in the island, which  also includes most of the fleet of SLN. LTTE killed Police inspector  Bastian pille  in a jungle in 1978 and prabhakaran died in the coast of Vanni   in 2009. War started in the nineteen eighties and ended in 2009. Throughout these  three decades  I served  in the navy. I was able to hear and see many things that happened. And also I was able to actively participate in most of the things that  happened at sea and ashore , according to my rank and the  appointment , I happened to be  at the time.

Normally a person doesn’t, plan to write a book about his life from childhood and get ready for it, collecting whatever  information that would fit in when the book is written. Most of the time, you feel like writing a book, when lot of important and interesting incidents have already taken place, unfortunately. And since you were not planning to write a book you wouldn’t be looking for information that might come handy one day when you start writing about those times and happenings.

I had no idea at all to write a book about the things I saw, heard and experienced in the Navy. But I have written and published several books on many other fields because I like writing, just for the sake of writing.

The first book I wrote and published is the Sinhala translation of naked sun, a book written by the great science fiction author, Isac Asimow. Actually the ‘Karainagar island’ which is one of the key words in this book, is closely connected to my translating of the book ‘naked sun’. That is because, ‘nagna hiru’ the translation was written in 2000, when I was the commanding officer of karainagar navy base. S L N S Elara, probably the only military base in the world that has been named to honor an invader who ruled the country for 40 years and was thrown out by natives after mobilizing whole country in a war stretching about two years. That was more than two thousand years ago.-----------


  1. Hope your book will reveal at least some of the naval techniques that are not known to other civilians. In most of the libraries in Australia there are Sinhala books. Hope your original and the English version also would be available here for us to read.


දුම්රිය මාර්ගයේ අලි ඝාතනය කිරීම වැළැක්වීම සඳහා වැඩ පටන් ගත්තෙමි

  ඊයේ කොළඹ මඩකලපුව දුම්රිය මාර්ගයේ අලි හය දෙනෙකු දුම්රියේ වැදී මියගොස් සිටිය ආකාරය ා දුටු කෙනෙකුට ශෝක නොවී සිටිය නොහැක. මමද බොහෝ සේ කණගාටුවට...